Fools for Love !

So , we were to be married , Amaka and I . 

Amaka and I had been childhood sweethearts , grew up blocks from each other , attended the same Schools , Church , wore matching Tee-shirts and attended every party together , we further attended the same university , we were an inseparable pair , Bonnie and Clyde had nothing on us I tell you ! 

We would then graduate and get jobs in different cities as her family moved from Lagos to Abuja the Federal capital , this was the hardest part of my Life , staying away from my heart-rob , oh this was torture in its sexiest red dress .

The video calls soon lost it's applicability , it became under satisfying , you have to understand this , we'd never been this apart since we were kids , not even for a week , but now , roguish Life had taken her from me , no , not me ,  I was a fighter , after 6 months of intense torture , I began to push for a transfer to the FCT , chase your dreams they say , being close to Amaka was my number 1 ambition , number two too and number three , you see this thing called Love ? fear it !

After an extra month of pain , I decided to quit my job and move to Abuja , yes my family thought I was crazy and I didn't argue with them , I was not the reason they were all in miserable relationships , jealous people ! 

So , I moved to Abuja and a friend gave me a bed to sleep on , Raphael , God bless his soul , Cancer got the better of him but then , he gave me a roof and I was glad being close to the one who makes my Life beautiful , I could now eat and stop torturing myself .

She secured me a job at her office and this was magic as her family were now convinced we were meant for each other .

On her birthday that year , I had ploted with Chinwe and Nkechi her sisters , we had planned how to properly propose marriage to her , yes I was now ready as I had gotten my own apartment and I had prayed about this since I was 10 , 20 years later God had definitely answered my prayers , I mean he had worked everything out , it was a sign , a colourful rainbow in our faces .

The day came with my right knee rooted to the ground and my hands suspended in the air holding a diamond ring I had saved 4 years to afford and as expected she screamed Yes and we began to plan our fairytale wedding . Amaka and I were Lovers of children , we had named all 4 children we were going to have , and there was no stopping us .

Wedding plans had commenced in full gear as I had collected the list from her people and my family were in on it , then we decided to visit a hospital for procedural tests , just to fulfil all righteousness , and , oh, our hearts sank titanic-deep .

Amaka was a sickle cell carrier and so was I , I stood there in the hospital speechless for 3 straight hours , I stood , paced , cried so hard I began to laugh , the doctor advised I see a therapist , he said we needed to heal , to heal ? myself ? No , it was him who needed healing with his faulty medical equipments , we left to another hospital and another , yet another until it was clear , we had been fools for many years ! 

You see , I didn't mind not having children , I had always loved to carry my children but I was ready to sacrifice that for Amaka  , she was an angel , soft , pretty , witty , intelligent , compromising , she was a storybook Cinderella , I just wanted her Love , to grow old with her but she wasn't having that , Love wasn't enough ! 

We informed our families and they were equally heartbroken and bided us strength , oh Life , food was an enemy , insomnia became a pal , and I was laid off from work because I became highly inefficient . 

Today , I have signed up to be a priest because it's been 5 years now and I can't Love any other , I'd rather become a priest and be sent to a faraway land than get married to another woman .

Amaka ? she's divorced , her marriage couldn't work either , her husband complained that she always put me before him during their family prayers and my face was her phone's wallpaper , he said she hadn't gotten over me and he could not keep up ! 

I know you Love them , I know they are your spec but have you checked your compatibility ? 
Mental , Spiritual and Health ?

I am Kovu and did I mention it's fiction ?


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