Mummy's boy!

Dear Men, 

There is a subtle campaign going around, trying to take away the soft spot sons have for mothers, under the guise of “Mummy's boy”.

Be a Mummy's boy, but know the limit! 

No woman should take away the Love you have for your mother, no woman! 

The Love of a partner and the Love of a parent are 2 different kinds of Love, but some persons want to make you feel guilty for Loving your mother, so they call you a Mummy's boy! 

Look, the line is simple. Do not discuss or report your wife or family issues to your mother, that's childish, disrespectful, and it's none of her business.

Your mother shouldn't be making decisions in your home as a man. Your home is made up of you, your wife and your children, it ends there. Anyone else is a third party. Your immediate family should be your FIRST responsibility, to protect, groom, care and cater for.

But you see, any woman who is threatened by the Love or closeness you share with your mother is a demon, as long as you're not crossing the line, Love your mother with all you've got! 

Let them call you Mummy's boy as long as they want, that mummy went through pregnancy for you, fell sick, almost lost her Life in labor birthing you, nurtured you, put her Life to a stop for you, sacrificed for you, then you grow and become somebody and someone would see a problem with you being close to your mother? What's another name for witchcraft?

Your mother is the ONLY woman that would Love you unconditionally, be you ugly, poor, underachieved, blind, deaf, sick, suffering a disease, be you a criminal, a mental patient, or even a terrorist.

Every other woman would Love you when you're providing something, be it: Support, protection, companionship, money, "bedmatic" skills or an Instagram physique.

But they begin to emotionally blackmail you saying “oh it's her responsibility, you don't owe her, she didn't do anything extraordinary, she is your mother” Lol.

Same women would join their mothers to fight their brother's wife, saying she used juju on their brother, hence their brother Loving his wife properly, Lol, Ụmụ nwanyi eh 😋

Look, women Love domination, know this and know peace! Strike that balance, there should be no room for comparison in the first place.

Do you think your wife and your sisters are close? Let them stay in the same house for 6 months, that's when you'd realize how much women Love domination, a wise man would strike that balance quickly.

For me, upon marriage, I'd call a meeting and intimate boundaries, I'd Love my wife as a Queen and Love my mother as a Queen mother, there's enough Love to go around but for me to abandon Loving my mother because of my wife, it would never happen. Call me a child all you want.

I hear some women even pray for their mothers-in-law to wither.

The thing is, such women would become mothers tomorrow and karma would be waiting recklessly.

To them, you're a real man when you steadily disagree and fight with your mother, but a Mummy's boy when you Love her excessively 🤡.

As I said, your major responsibility is to your immediate family and once you've done that with a clear conscience, dismiss anything or anyone that is not okay with your Love for your mother. And more importantly, while Loving your mother, make sure you don't stop her from Loving her Family too, as a son is to mother, so is a daughter to father.

I am Kovu.


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