Dear Feminists and Alpha Males

I would never get married to someone who identifies as a feminist , as I'm not an alpha male .

You see , lately a concept as beautiful as feminism has turned to bitterness , so I would run very far away from such an ideology .

I read in the dailies how American feminists were angry with seasoned singer Jennifer Lopez (Now Jennifer Afleck) for taking her husband's last name after marriage , to them her decision was “especially dispiriting” during a “fraught moment for feminism in America."

If feminism is fighting for women to have the freedom to do what they want , why are they bitter that an adult has exercised her freedom in choosing to bear her husband's name ? 🤡

So you see , it's not about her , her happiness or her family as a unit , it's about proving a point to feminists.

Look , I'm not an alpha male , I'm a human being , and I'm not concerned with gender superiority or domination , I would want to get married to someone who respects the institution of marriage as much as I do and not someone who cares about scoring points for outsiders who are not part of my family unit .

You all be careful out there , marriage is a long time to be with someone who is out to compete or rule over you by championing an ideology.

Marriage is not an aluta ground .

Dear Alpha males and Feminists , take that rubbish away from your homes , your home is not the place to be bitter with a spouse who has done nothing to you .

I would be humble to my wife , completely humble , as long as she does RIGHT by me , I would be humble to her , let anybody come to talk to me about being alpha and omega 😏

The real Alpha males and Feminists don't even talk about it , they just act it . It's always these wannabes suffering from low self-esteem that do the most , you'd better go and build a happy home and quit scoring points for outsiders that want you to be as frustrated as they are.

I am Kovu.


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