Dear women ,

Dear women, ignore this talk ! 

I think its foolery in its finest robe for us to pretend sex is ordinary , for us to pretend that stripping naked for a stranger is ordinary and not a big deal .

A date is a meeting of 2 potential partners .

A first date is the first of such meetings , this means there's a likelihood that the person you're going on a date with is a stranger , you're not in a relationship yet , you're just out on a first date in a bid to get to know each other .

So, this person is saying , it's not a big deal to have sex with a stranger you're just meeting , and this is supposed to make sense to a responsible person ? 

Look , no one is a saint , but to have absolute disregard for your body is extreme .

Forget about maturity , most men would not respect you when you just meet them and have sex on a first date , they'd suspect you easily , become insecure , not trust you , and all of that , of course, they'd not tell you , you'd just find out that they can date you but not marry you , they see you as cheap and rightly so , if you can strip naked and give your body to a stranger then that's what you are , argue all you want .

Remember , you're not in a relationship with this person yet , it's just a date , how is this normal ? How ? 

No respect for your body , after seeing your body what next ? 

In the event they get married to you , they'd most likely suspect you still , men respect hard work , if men get anything easy it's not valued .

Look at men that are into fraud and look at men that legitimately work for their money , do they spend the same way ? Hell no ! That's the value system of a man , an easy catch would not be valued , of course, men would pretend about it and never tell you .

Deceive yourselves all you want , that it worked for your friend doesn't mean it would work for you , you have a different destiny from your friend , and I'm sure your friend had something extra , so it's not the sex that kept the man , sex can't keep any man , men are logical and not emotional .

Your friend was maybe smart , intelligent , career-oriented , domesticated or anything else that the man craves , the point is ; she had something to give .

But you ? You just want to go out to have sex with men on first dates because it worked for your friend , then after having sex with 20 men you come out to say Men are scum.

Amaka , no be me go tell you wetin you go do o , but men are not scum , you're the one doing giveaway .

Respect your femininity.

I am Kovu .


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