Who is your wife?

Who is your wife?

There's a pattern I've noticed in successful men.

A reoccurring pattern I cannot take for granted, these men always talk about their wives, and heap praises on them.

At social events, at work, when receiving accolades, or just anywhere in public, once recognized, these men bring their wives quickly into the situation.

You see, a woman's heart, once pure, is an altar.

If you have a good woman, who is kind, thoughtful, respectful, and loving, do right by her and the heavens would smile at you.

Women Love compliments, they Love honesty, they Love being flaunted, and they Love the spotlight, once you make them feel special, they would be happy with you, and that would make the heavens honour you.

A good woman deserves all the praise, adoration, and loyalty she can get.

As a man, marry a woman who has a pure heart, and you, be a good man to your woman.

Amaka, stop shouting tell them, tell them, are you a good woman? 

I am Kovu.


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