Actions and it's consequences!

There would forever be consequences for actions.

This generation is bent on discontinuing all the morals passed onto us, but we forget; with every discovery, comes new results.

As a woman, you confidently chorus how it's your body, and how you can do whatever you want with it. Go, sis!

Tomorrow, when men say they would rather not be with a woman who has a 30+ body count, or a woman who has been in bed with every man on the street, accept it. And stop trying to emotionally blackmail men, saying they are not mature.

Sis, why does he need maturity to deal with your past? You were shitty, accept it. 

The same way you had a choice, is the same way he has a choice, and you're not it, so quit at the emotional blackmail Xender, and keep sharing.
We both know you'd not allow your brother or son to marry someone like you.

As a man, you have no plan, no dream, no goal, you're in your 30s and all you do is chase after women, drink, and smoke, then you say she is not a wife material because she says she deserves better.

Bro, you chose to be wasted, don't drag her into your mess, how does being a wife material translate to being with someone without focus? How? 

Look, we are churning chaotic narratives in this woke generation, and it's frightening. I fear for the kind of children we would raise.

This generation detests accountability, we want to be free from consequences.

If you think anyone needs maturity to accept your past or needs to suffer to fit into your ideal of a wife material, then there's something severely wrong with your mental build-up.

There is still time to change for the better, otherwise…

Do you! But accept the consequences when they arrive. 

I am Kovu.


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