I hail you African Men.

I hail you, African men.

Men who have to prove they are men by being successful, you're a boy if you're not, this is the standard.

People would never understand what it means to be an adult African man and not be successful.

I feel your pain, I feel your struggle, persevere, not for the world to clap for you, but for yourself and your family.

Dust your boots, soldier! A man born in this part of the world is a goal down at birth.

Yes! Even women pass through this struggle, but an African man is born with a giant ego, one he needs to massage, and what better way than being successful?

The world would judge you not by your intentions, but by your results, not by your potential, but by your current form.

We go dey okay.  As long as you have a phone to read this, you're doing alright, yes it's not Uhuru yet, but you're a soldier remember? 

Accept the challenge, soldier, and make your ancestors proud.

Keep moving. A locked fist is suspended mid-air for you. 

I am Kovu.


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