Dear Mariam ,

So we had been high School buddies ,

Mariam was that reserved student every class had , she was good looking , a bit too coy , she had a gold tooth , her smile would give Beyonce a run for her money , what we had was more of a School father and daughter relationship , she would tell me everything , she had so much confidence in me  , back then my family relocated so I had a change of School , I lost contact with Mariam , oh how lonely School would have been for her , years went by and memories soon withered until I logged on Facebook one day to meet a message from an unknown user , it was Mariam , wow , we hadn't been in touch in about 7 years , I had asked friends , I had surfed across various social media outlets but nada ! I was so glad to hear from her again , how she had grown to become prettier , she was pretty alright , still had that gold tooth and that ravishing smile which graced her angelic light skin , oh School daughter how much I've missed you .
Time went by and we got to hang out couple of times , we would spend so much time talking and catching up on old times , circumstances danced around and we somehow developed interest in US , we started dating , she was so kind , compassionate , caring , always ready to compromise , did I mention how pretty she was ?
Well , the fire kept alive as we became a very happy thing .
  One day it rained so heavily that some rooftops went off and a tree was uprooted , we were on a phone conversation all through it and we joked about how "the world was coming to an end" , we laughed so hard about it and we agreed she would call me after the rain if the world haven't come to an end , what did we know ? We were just Love birds joking about a message the universe was sending , that which we couldn't decode . It stopped raining and she called to say she was still alive that the world have not come to an end , we laughed as I wished her a goodnight .
I woke up the next day to a message from an old school mate asking if the news was true , she had passed , Maryam was no more , but how ? I spoke to her just last night , I mean she was still alive when the rain stopped , the world didn't end , I blew her a kiss through the phone , I could see her catch it .
Sad but the story was true , she had gone with the rain , I remember her today and I wonder why the good ones have to go , she was a jolly fellow , no dull moments with her around but who am I to question the creator ? We are to live as written and obey without complains .

Just a quick reminder that every Birthday anniversary is not a plus 1 but a minus 1 to your death date , how are you living your Life ???

I am Kovu .


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