So on suicide

Read till the end or don't read at all !

"Don't stress it too much , just commit suicide"

So suicide has been a stereo that is stuck with us forever , people feel worthless and helpless , stuck in a situation  , hopeless , frustrated or even empty and as a result weigh down the value of their lives so they commit suicide . I try to understand how people feel and I must tell you it's no easy game , do you know what it means to feel worthless ? To be depressed ? Depression is a deep sickness that often leads to suicide .

" Look ! It is okay to commit suicide , it is okay as long as you're killing that part of you , that part , that part dancing with the demons , that part of you weighing you down , feed that part that poison , stab that part , get your guns fuel it with bullets , shoot and don't stop shooting , shoot that part , hang that part , that demoralizing part ,  let it die , which part ? That part ! "
It is okay to commit suicide but , oh , no buts , it is okay !
It is okay to kill that part of you but not your entire being !

In the last 3 months I've heard of over 15 suicide cases , 4 of this 15 are people I know personally , the trend is growing fast , the world is not easy , it is hard , don't let no one deceive you , it's the wild wild west out here .

We keep telling people to be strong , you think they don't want to be strong ? We are too busy that we fail to observe when someone is loosing it , family is not family anymore , friends are not friends anymore , everyone is busy in this busy world , we brandish people indolent not knowing they are fighting serious lone battles !

How often do you reach out to people ?
Are you receptive ?
Are you family or friend enough ?

People are loosing it in this crazy world of ours , depression is on the rise and we fail to notice it , no one commits suicide for fun , it has a lot to do with the mental inbalance of an individual .

Please people learn to talk to people , unfortunately we are in the wrong clime , wrong part of the world , over here no one cares , no one understands . Soon we would start blaming the devil and innocent village people , let's try to be humane in this inhumane world , we have to bond and fight this stereo and now is the time .

Remember , it might be your child next , it might be that beloved sister of yours , it could even be you , depression doesn't call to take permission , when it sets in , it does so with a rage , EARLY DETECTION is the way out .
If you mock anyone who commits suicide , you're either inhumane or stupid , maybe both !


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